Friday, 13 January 2012

A time to rest

I'm winding down. For the last ten years, Friday afternoon was the second most stressful time of the week, only second to Saturday morning when I'd present the weekly homily. Friday I'd clean the house, contact the worship coordinators, finish any work left from the week and make sure my sermon was complete. Many Saturday mornings I would see sunrise before I saw sleep so that my sermon would be perfect come 11am. Everyone would comment what a lovely day of rest and restoration Saturday was for them, but From 7am till 10pm I would be on the go.
Im on leave for the next fifty weeks. So Im going to really rest on my Sabbath. For the next 24 hours I don't have to worry about cooking or cleaning. I don't have to think about what I'm going to blog or who needs what from me. The next 24 hours are dedicated to spending time with God and my family.
It's my favorite day of the week, I can do as much or as little as I want. I can even skip church, something that is generally frowned on when you're the minister.
I'm turning off the TV, unplugging my laptop and tuning into some internal reflection. When the Munchkin goes down for her nap, my household goddess duties are on hold, I can do whatever feeds my soul, I could even sleep.
In this hectic rush around world, rest is in short supply, yet we need it more then ever. We need a break from the deluge of life to be with the ones we love.
As you wind down for the weekend, take time to love, laugh and reflect on living.
by Susan Magaitis

For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT

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